Tuesday, July 18, 2017

PG Super25: Opening Ceremonies

The PG Super25 National Championship is underway in sunny Florida! Tuesday night brought what were described as "abbreviated" opening ceremonies. What this meant was that parents packed into the stands at Florida Southwestern University, and then the players moved as far away from them as possible to run the 30-yard dash. Chace, Elias, Andrew, Gavin and Jake ran for the Canes, with Elias finishing second overall and Jake placing third (note: these are unofficial stats, which means let's go ahead and say Andrew, Chace and Gavin tied for fourth).

The fastest man competition was followed by a home run derby. Approximately 12 of the 18 teams were in attendance, and each team was represented by one hitter. I had the really great idea to let Asher carry our GoPro around in the outfield during the derby to give you the flavor of the event. In case you weren't aware, here's what happens when you give Asher a GoPro while he's trying to shag fly balls: you get a lot of footage of his butt.

Here's the most usable of the group, with minimal butt shots:

Gavin was the Canes' home run derby representative, and advanced to the three-cut finals, where he defeated an opponent from the NBA Nationals.

And...that was it for opening ceremonies. The team van then returned to the team hotel. The team van playlist is a work in progress, because the concept of "clean" is not really something that is understood by anyone on a 12U baseball team.

The team then adjourned for dinner, because you're not you when you're:

Games start bright and early at 8 a.m. against Line Drive Pro.

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